We can thank all the Left-Wing-Bleeding Heart Liberal ACLU Supporting-Tree Hugging Democrats who have done everything possible to hinder, block and retard the building of new Refineries, none in the last 30 years, stopped every attemp to drill in Alaska and Off Shore where China is right now 40 miles off the coast of Cuba in the Florida Straights and lets not forget Al Gore when we belly up to the pump and shell out $5.00 + per gallon !!!
If Bush went into Iraq for oil then where is it....Thank a Liberal when you're at the Pump next week!
What say you?BP Shutdown Wipes Out 8% of U.S. Oil...Now what?
We didnt go to Iraq for oil, whoever thinks that is retarded..We havnt got one drop of free oil from Iraq, weve let the Iraqis collect and sell there oil, and keep all there profits by themselves..
And the only reason gas prices are $3 a gallon is because the Democrats wont let us drill alot in and around our own country. But yet there the ones that blame the Republicans for high oil prices..Is that right?BP Shutdown Wipes Out 8% of U.S. Oil...Now what?
Look for a 20% increase at the pump :)
How about stop driving a SUV that gets 10 miles to the gallon!
Bush actually thought the oil would be flowing, that's how stupid he is.
You can thank the OILMEN that you elected to run this country. You can't trust OILMEN to run the country.
I agree with you whole heartedly. Now, those reserves are going to open up and real quick.
Thank God I live close to work and drive a Saturn because I am going to hate gasing up every other week!
who appointed you as the judge of all???...may you be judged as you judge others...you place your opinion as the standard for all to follow ...you are not humble...a child got a transplant today..heart transplant at the age of 6..you spew about oil...but yet and still you critisize a bleeding heart..well a child heart's bleeds as we speak..how do you feel now JUDGE and JURY...your heart is ICE cold..you are the world...self importance is all that seems to matter to you...what about your fellow person..i guess you only recognize you....that is WHAT NOW..as you asked..good day....
That was funny, Salvatore.
Maybe we should look into a $400 million pension given to the retired CEO of Exxon, huge tax breaks and record profits for oil companies all the while we're paying $3.00/gallon. Oh wait, that wouldn't serve your agenda, now would it?
I will gladly pay more money next week because BP isn't putting the environment at risk in order to not lose a profit. I will complain when I'm paying more at the pump so Bush's cronies can have a multi-million dollar pension.
Perhaps this will open eyes and we'll start demanding an alternative fuel source.
What happens to all these tax subsidies we give oil companies? Why couldn't they use those saving to properly maintain their equipment? Oh yeah, thats right...greedy ceo's
Wow, that is is easy making retard comments without worrying about supporting them with real fact. I should do this more often.
How is this the liberals fault? They have been anti enviorment just as much as so called conservatives. If we were true Capitalists we would have been exploiting renewable energy years ago cutting billions in imports and raising the value of the dollar.
ummmm, I say get a grip!
What say I?
Fill up your tanks tonight on the way home! We did yesterday, and still got raped at the pump even though the prices have not raised in our town.
I will agree with you on the backward thinking of the environmental lobby. The EPA has made it cost-prohibative to build new refineries and maintian current ones. My parents in law live in Vernal Utah, the heart of Shale Oil country, the refinery near them was torn down due to EPA restrictions. And the EPA makes it impossible to get the shale out of the ground and into oil.
We need to get the oil monkey off our backs, but in the mean time we need to have a stable secure source of oil....our own...hello Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, California!! It's too bad the losers in Congress can't get this but regular people do.
Do you really believe what you read all the time? This is simply another excuse by big oil to take more money from the American people. As for Bush and oil, I hope you aren't so naive that you actually think that the president really runs the country. In order to get elected to any office, a cantidate must get funding. In order to do that, he or she must sell out (read compromise) to whoever is willing to pay to get him or her elected. By the time you get to congress or the senate, the individual has sold out every shred of personal integrity he or she ever possessed. So, the president now has to do as those who bought him tell him to do. What happens to presidents or congressmen who don't do as they are told? Ask JFK, or RFK.
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