Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lebanon crisis. BP Alaska oil field closure. Hurricane season about to start. This is bad, right?

Can anything be done to reduce the oil price or is it just going to get worse?Lebanon crisis. BP Alaska oil field closure. Hurricane season about to start. This is bad, right?
Well we could invade a couple more countries under various pretexts....

The real thing we need to do is start relying more on alternative forms of energy. Instead of wasting all our money on war, sucking up to oil rich nations, and importing oil we could instead come up with more efficient devices, or alternative forms of power. When fewer people are using oil it will make it cheaper, and free the U.S. from the oil companies and nations.Lebanon crisis. BP Alaska oil field closure. Hurricane season about to start. This is bad, right?
Yep. Bad until at least the US gets the oil industry out of their pockets so all the research on alternative forms of energy actually stands a chance of seeing the light of day.

Being from and living in FL, the gas prices are pretty far down on the list of worries in hurricanes though.
Bad for drivers wallets, people in the Middle East, and most of all the planet as a biosphere. The greedy bad people raking in oil revenue aren't going anywhere either. This is going to be a painful process of slow decline, yet fear not.

The end of days is nigh...or maybe we'll just keep working things out. I have seen entire towns that run solar and the technology is really in its infancy as far as efficiency. Just think, after you convert your house the roof will deflect the heat like the ice caps would have- so who needs glaciers-unless of course you lived near the ocean...then you are about knee deep is Coral.
Well you would have to get the greedy Basterds out of the oil companies before you would see any change.

Did you know that ALL oil companies have had record profits for the last year?

What does that tell you?
honesty, peace, unity %26amp; love are the solutions to this present situation

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