Friday, December 18, 2009

Why did Sarah Palin accept campaign contributions from oil and gas lobbyists for Exxon, BP, Shell and Chevron?

BP even sponsored her inaugural ball.

John McCain says that Palin fought the oil companies. Why did Sarah Palin accept campaign contributions from oil and gas lobbyists for Exxon, BP, Shell and Chevron?
Why wouldn't she? She raised the taxes on oil companies in Alaska through the roof. So what? Do you think they stop donating to political figures because of that? And you think she shouldn't accept them? Huh?

Sorry, your ';question'; makes no sense.Why did Sarah Palin accept campaign contributions from oil and gas lobbyists for Exxon, BP, Shell and Chevron?
Big oil runs Alaska so there is no where else the get contributions. However once in power she double crossed them and got an excess profit tax passed on oil and used the proceeds to give every man woman and child in Alaska a check for $1200 dollar to help the cope with the high gas prices. If the McCain/Palin ticket would advocate this for the whole country I would vote for them, but if they did the Republicans would not.
The same reason she accepted the money for her Bridges to Nowhere and now tries to tell everyone that she never wanted them (but kept all the the money, of course)...its money and that's all that is important to her and her Party.

(Also, these neo-cons keep trying to fabricate more BS by saying Obama accepted money from Freddie and Fannie...yes, he did, but it was from their EMPLOYEES and they were ';personal'; contributions...they did not come from Fannie or Freddie funds through the CEOs and CFOs...however, that IS where McCain got his campaign funds from Freddie and Fannie. They simply have selective memory, I guess.)
Because she is a politician and that's what they do.... you can get more money from oil corporations than anyone.

Every politician brags about fighting corporate greed and interests and every politician lies... it's part of the game.

Palin is part of the game.
If you want to talk about campaign contributions, lets talk about Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Lehman Brothers.
exxonmobil doesn;t have to spend as much funding global warming disinformation when politicians like sarah palin are global warming deniers
Why did the community organizer accept contributions from the same people?
Same reason Obama took contributions from ACORN, Fannie and Freddie, various other lobbyists.
Because she's a republican.
She did! Do some research. Why did Obama accept donations from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac


To be a part of the G O P you have to coddle to BIG OIL
Energy all want our hands off your uterus then kindly do leave Sarah alone.
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